Hi guys, In reading and reviewing the Space Marine Codex, I've found that I'm really into some of the builds that were common last edition. With everyone swearing by Space Marine Bikes, I took a different route; I decided that I would use Sternguard instead.
What better way to get a good, solid scoring army, than with kantor and his sternguard lackeys?
Well, there have been a few humps; I hate hte Kantor model so I made one of my own, which might get tricky during tournaments, but he has "Kantor" on his base, which I hope is enough. I don't really like Thunderfire cannons as a model, so I'm looking for alternatives to the bulky kit, even if it is still metal.
But, those are all issues I have to tackle in the future. For now, I simply need to keep painting what I've got. Weighing in at exactly 10% of my 1850 point list, here is Pedro Kantor.
My one Gripe with Kantor is his Model; I think it's an awfully aged design with bad bodily motion dynamics. While the concept of his storm bolter has been stolen for guns of many space marines over the years, I just grow tired of the "the guns not actually in his hand it's on his arm!" thing GW has started taking to with storm bolters; I said "Fuck it - I just want Dorn's Arrow to be a regular old Storm Bolter."
Now of course, many of you are asking yourself "Why the fuck does Kantor have white/black Black Templars markings on his armour and that silly banner of his?"
The answer, my friends, is pretty simple: the army isn't just crimson fists; it comprises mixed squads of Black Templars and Crimson Fists to create an army resembling the Declates Crusade.
To keep this theme running a small portion of my army (Approximately 1/3.) will be black templar models in mixed squads with Crimson fists. To make sure it's clear that my army is imperial fists, not imperial fists with black templars allies, I will make sure the majority of my units are crimson fists, but all will have their equipment reflective of their mixed-squad status with the Black Templars.
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